Born in San Martin, Argentina and lived in Bolivia (1989 -1997) and currently lives in Paraguay. Being a mainly self-taught artist began exploring his early surrealism, but later analyzing the history of plastic and its evolution, then in the search for resurs not yet exploited by the plastic turned to more personal style no-surrealist themes but the spatial distortion of the paint and shapes inspired by the new non-Euclidean geometries and the theory of relativity which denies the perfect and upright, where space becomes curved and elastic half. The distortion in each work can be also interpreted as the way the subjectivity of each individual distorts reality to assimilate in their own way. Works as a whole is a metaphor of relativism in the sense that each work space has its own geometry distorted the same way that every individual has their own point of view. Currently the artist continues to explore new geometries to incorporate into his work and is considered unrelated to the surrealism in the sense that his work has no thematic surreal and the distortion of the geometry is just an exaggeration of a real physical phenomenon that at first glance be auque negligible real curvature of space, it is impossible to observe a distorted scenario just look behind glass curved.